What we've been working on this week
Our friends at Waterville Valley Ski Resort claim to have the Best BBQ in Snow Country and who are we to disagree? In our books you can't go wrong with Ribs or beer, so we're always up for a trip! We also love their adorable logo which we got to embroider and screen print on apparel for them this week. The original design has 6 colors and we love the way it pops on the black vests they chose to embroider it on.
When you have such a large design, it would become very heavy to embroider it on something as thin as a T- shirt, so screen printing becomes the natural alternative. For the Screen printing, a 2-color design was chosen. They went for black & Red on the grey shirts they had one, and a white and red design on the black shirts they had done.
Comparing and contrasting the style, look and effects of embroidery versus screen printing never gets old in our book and we love it when we get to do the same design both ways in one job. The little piggy looks adorable in both and both make us want to go out and grab some buckets of bones and brews. Hmmmm...It IS Friday, after all!
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