Monday, February 28, 2011
Brand your Business: Mardi Gras beads
So by now hopefully everyone knows that we are your connection for any promotional item you can think of and promotional items are great for customer giveaways and employee appreciation, but did you know that promotional items can be so much more? They are also a terrific resource for wedding and party favors or lodging or dining package add ons! For instance, tomorrow March finally arrives and with it comes Mardi Gras! Many restaurants, bars and hotels will be hosting festivities in celebration, but why get your decorations and beads at the local party store when we can be your connection for super big discounts! Whether it's bubbles for weddings, noise makers for New Year's Eve, or glow bracelets for a Halloween party, we can offer big savings on lots of things to help make your event truly memorable. For more ideas and information, check out our online catalog.
Party Favors,
Promotional Items
Friday, February 25, 2011
What we've been working on this week
Copper Cannon has the unique distinction of being one of the few summer camps in the country that provides a free camp experience to low income children. Last summer, over thirty children from the Littleton, Bethlehem, Franconia area had a chance spend a week at Copper Cannon Camp. The 39th annual Copper Cannon Auction is fast approaching! As one camper put it last year, "It is a chance for us to help Copper Cannon raise money for me to be able to go to camp". Volunteers are soliciting donations and additional volunteers to make the 2011 auction just as successful as the previous ones. We, at Embroidery by Everything Personal, were happy to help out by embroidering 7 donated pieces of apparel for the auction. We hope to see you at the auction, March 4th at the Littleton Elks Lodge. Doors open at 4pm, don't miss it!
Custom Embroidery,
machine embroidery
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
How does a logo become embroidered?
Ever wondered how a logo is digitized and embroidered? What is digitizing, anyway? What is it exactly that we do here? Well, take a look:
Custom Embroidery,
machine embroidery,
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Thing that's making us smile this week
We love our friends at Mail Chimp. Not only do they provide an awesome, super-affordable e-mail service for businesses, (Don't believe us? Sign up for our monthly newsletter here and prepare to be dazzled!) but they ALSO stick little links throughout their website which make it IMPOSSIBLE to focus on what you're doing. So far we've uncovered Flight of the Conchords songs, lots and lots of hysterical Chimp footage, and this ad of pure awesomeness which we had forgotten completely about. Thank you, Mail Chimp for keeping us smiling!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Brand your Business: Golf Balls
While it can be nice to offer a promotional item that is directly linked to your business (travel toothbrush for a Dentist, for example) sometimes it's just fun to do something fresh and seasonal which people are eager to use! Believe it or not, Spring is on it's way. Those of us in the Northeast may still be suffering through sub-zero nights, but Spring will officially be here in just 28 days, maybe even sooner if you believe the Groundhog! It's time to start thinking about getting out in the sunshine and ground that will soon be green, not white. April is a big month for Home Shows here in the Northeast Kingdom, both Littleton and Lyndonville have massive Home Shows featuring hundreds of businesses. Instead of going for the standard pens and magnets, maybe consider a pedometer, water bottle or golf ball? No one appreciates Springtime like us Northern New Englanders, and anyone who turns our thoughts to the fact that soon our world will be warm again is sure to generate lots of excitement at their booth! For more "Springy" ideas, check out our full line of promotional items online.
Promotional Items
Friday, February 18, 2011
What we've been working on this week
Our friends at Waterville Valley Ski Resort claim to have the Best BBQ in Snow Country and who are we to disagree? In our books you can't go wrong with Ribs or beer, so we're always up for a trip! We also love their adorable logo which we got to embroider and screen print on apparel for them this week. The original design has 6 colors and we love the way it pops on the black vests they chose to embroider it on.
When you have such a large design, it would become very heavy to embroider it on something as thin as a T- shirt, so screen printing becomes the natural alternative. For the Screen printing, a 2-color design was chosen. They went for black & Red on the grey shirts they had one, and a white and red design on the black shirts they had done.
Comparing and contrasting the style, look and effects of embroidery versus screen printing never gets old in our book and we love it when we get to do the same design both ways in one job. The little piggy looks adorable in both and both make us want to go out and grab some buckets of bones and brews. Hmmmm...It IS Friday, after all!
When you have such a large design, it would become very heavy to embroider it on something as thin as a T- shirt, so screen printing becomes the natural alternative. For the Screen printing, a 2-color design was chosen. They went for black & Red on the grey shirts they had one, and a white and red design on the black shirts they had done.
Custom Embroidery,
Screen Printing,
Thursday, February 17, 2011
E-Catalog: 2011 Essentials Collection
Wondering what's new and exciting this year? Or maybe you'd like to know what continue to be our tried and true best sellers? Well, lucky for you, we have BOTH just a click away! For more information or to order call, email us, or click here.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Thing that's making us smile this week
Is there any reason not to love Pixar? Not only do the make sweet, well-written movies like Toy Story 3, they also go to the lengths of placing erroneous commercials for their characters on the web. This very 1980s ad for the "Lotso Huggin' Bear" (Which never existed) is just way too adorable. Enjoy!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Brand your Business: Stemware
When most people think about promotional items, we think of the standard giveaway items like pens and magnets, but promotional items can also be sophisticated add ons to a lodging or dining package, or even a souvenir that customers would want to purchase. Truly, if you can think it, we can get it. One idea we think is pretty nifty is a gorgeous set of stemware. Personalized Glassware is available in every shape and size imaginable. Some can be etched with your logo or text, some can be imprinted with special inks. Another option would be to add on some personalized stem charms. This would be a perfect add on for a Valentine's dinner or Inn weekend and would leave your customers with a souvenir that will bring them back to that happy weekend they spent at your establishment ... and remind them to return soon! Find more ideas in our online catalog.
Promotional Items
Thursday, February 10, 2011
What we've been working on this week
This Saturday from 9-3 at Cannon Mountain, Adaptive Sports Partners of the North Country will be holding their, "Pirates of the High Skis" fundraiser. The mission of Adaptive Sports Partners of the North Country is to provide year-round opportunities in sports and recreation for persons with physical or developmental disabilities. Registered participants dressed as pirates and wenches spend the day skiing or riding at Cannon Mountain while hunting for pirate treasure. Additionally, registered pirates and wenches will have the opportunity to participate in contests for: best shoulder parrot, best pirate costume and best wench costume . We at Embroidery by Everything Personal were happy to donate a few such prizes including an embroidered travel blanket. We hope to see you on the slopes the weekend. To learn more about the fundraiser, Adaptive Sports partners, or to register for Saturday's fundraiser, click here.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Brand your Business: Preview your logo on apparel
Did you know that our website gives you the ability to preview your logo on any of our apparel items? It's easy! Just click on our Work & Casual Clothing link and start browsing! It features a host of apparel and accessory products like Polo shirts, blankets, Uniforms, and bags. When you find what you like, just look to the right of the picture and select "Create a Virtual Sample with Your Artwork." A box with a larger picture of your item will appear. Under the picture, select "logo" and you will be directed to upload your logo or artwork. Once uploaded, you have the ability to drag, resize and skew your logo to replicate your desired position and placement. Viola!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Thing that's making us smile this week
E-Catalog: Columbia
Our 2011 line of Columbia Sportswear is available as an e-catalog! To view what's new, as well as Columbia's regular product line, click here. To order or get more information, call or email us, or just click here!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Brand your Business: Flash Drives
When selecting a trade show giveaway item, first consider your target audience: could anyone at the show be a potential buyer for your product or service, or do you really need to focus on a few qualified buyers out of thousands of trade show attendees? Next, determine what impression you want to leave with? Some giveaways cost only pennies, but also don't leave much of an impression afterward. However, some are so unique and special that they instantly stir up excitement with your customers. We think that these flash drives are a brilliant idea. They are something as practical and useful as a pen, but much more memorable and - more than likely - appreciated. Flash Drives can be emblazoned with your logo and are available in an array of styles and colors. They are available in sizes ranging from 1 MB on up, so they can also be a affordable giveaway for almost any budget. For more giveaway options, check out our online catalog.
Promotional Items
Friday, February 4, 2011
Newsletter: February 2011
Have you signed up for our Monthly Newsletter? Well, what are you waiting for? You get inside scoop, notice of sales and featured products, and more! Check out the latest one here, then send us an email and let us know you'd like to subscribe!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Happy Customers - our favorite kind!
One of our newest customers, Keegan the horse, couldn't wait to share this photo of him enjoying his swanky, personalized horse blanket with us! Thanks to his owner Cathy for allowing us to share to with you folks!
Happy Customers
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Brrrrrrrr! Time to warm up!
With sub-zero temps yesterday and a foot of snow making its way to us, what better time to think about warm, fuzzy things? Present this coupon any time this February and save 25% off any selected in-stock winter product:
E-Catalog: Nike
Did you know that you can check the latest styles and prices we have available to us from the comfort of your own home? View the new 2011 Nike Golf Collection E-Catalog. Order, find out more information and check out more brands by clicking here.
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